Looking for an interesting current topic to investigate? Need data and statistics to add precision and clarity to your project? Try Statista, an ACC subscription database that specializes in data and statistics from a wide variety of industries, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
Not only do credible numbers provide compelling evidence for your claims when you create a presentation, paper, video, or project, but they are a great starting point for generating ideas.
Statista offers statistics, forecasts, surveys, infographics, studies, and reports in a number of easy-to-use formats. Investigate consumer markets, compare countries, and identify social and economic trends using current, comparative data from trusted sources.
You can find the official ACC link to Statista on the Library’s A to Z List of Databases page. After logging in with your ACC eID and password, you can search Statista by keyword, or browse by industry, topic, or publication.
Search results will be listed by type, with Statista’s editorial picks at the top. Each result will offer a topic overview, quick statistics, charts and graphs, and links to related information. Results can be downloaded in a range of convenient formats, including images, spreadsheets, and presentations. Try Statista today, and ask a librarian if you have any questions!
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