Sunday, September 28, 2014

Faculty Publications, Research, Exhibitions, and Performances Information Plus Guide

ACC Library Services is pleased to announce the debut of the Austin Community College Library Services’ Faculty Publications, Research, Exhibitions, and Performances Information Plus Guide.  We are excited about showcasing our full-time faculty’s outstanding creative output to the ACC community - as well as the wider world - in an online format.   

Those included in the Guide responded to a call for submissions that went out in May to full-time faculty.  The goal of the Guide is to maintain a dynamic environment; therefore, there will be a second call later this Fall, complete with guidelines and instructions.   

In addition, now that the pilot is up and running, adjunct faculty will also be invited to participate after the first of the year.

The Guide is included in the list of Library and Subject Guides accessible from Library Services’ home page – (choose Information Plus category) or directly from  


It has been featured on the Library Services' Facebook page as well as our Twitter feed.

Although we will be maintaining the Guide within our list of guides, faculty should feel free to link the page with their entry or the guide in its entirety from their online syllabus or CV.

Each year two Guide participants will be featured in READ posters and bookmarks, and the Guide will be advertised via the library’s and college’s social media as well as traditional outlets.
Thank you to all full-time faculty who responded so far and watch for expanded content after the next call for submissions in October.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New Database! Writer's Reference Center

Welcome to a new semester!

As you prepare to write all those richly worded, informative and impressive papers this semester, ACC offers you a little assistance;

Writer's Reference Center

This resource provides exactly what you need to produce your best writing. It offers writing fundamentals, help with grammar and punctuation, shows you how to write with style, provides a guide to documents such as resumes, essays and business reports, a guide to research, and a handy reference shelf with vital resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, cliches, allusions, and so much more all in one handy place. 

Need to improve your thesis statement?

Want to enlarge your vocabulary?

This new resource will help you do just that, and so much more!

Give it a try and see for yourself!
Just click on the link above (Writer's Reference Center) or go to the ACC Library website and select A-Z List of Databases, click on "W" and there you have it.